Monthly Archives: March 2022

Peace Sells… Just Not Enough

The problem with peace is that it’s good for selling posters, banners, household goods, and ranges of fashionable apparel for both fashionistas and alt lifestyles, but that’s about it. There’s too much giving that has to be done to make a world where things are fair enough for everyone to engage in peace.

War, on the other hand, is a tried and tested bestseller: huge margins, immense research budgets, even bigger rolling development programmes (even if the equipment isn’t fit for purpose), and we can diversify into other media with greater ease. Nationalism doesn’t require ethics or deep thinking. Buy the flag, wave the flag, hate any who don’t show tribal loyalty to jingoistic goals handily provided in short, easy to remember (and shout) sentences.

A long time ago, wars solved things. (How much and for how long in each case is open to debate.) Nowadays, it’s arguable that wars are extended field tests, and sales theatre. Sure, you might have your lifestyle destroyed, lose friends and a few relatives, be forced to flee your town with only the clothes on your back and a plastic bag full of nothing really useful, but the people who organised the war are making serious money, and providing huge returns for their shareholders.

Frame it as underdog versus bad people, add some media-friendly trite tales of heroism and defiance, hose down society with a media blitz of nauseatingly imbalanced proportions, and you have a cause that will make money for years to come. Plus, every war yields data that can be used to make the next war better at attracting sustained support from the public.

It’s nothing but a bloodsport. While it remains profitable, greed dictates that nothing be permitted to rein it in.

Climate change is undoubtedly going to make more wars as desperate countries fight for vanishing resources.

Then they’ll fight to survive, for the safest high ground.

Fortunes will be made.

When it becomes clear there is very little viable high ground left, some leader or other will conclude that the use of nuclear weapons is fine, because they are going to die anyway, and the other side cannot be allowed to win. Failing that, their victory has to be made beyond phyrric.

Billions will die.

Until the fires start in their own neighbourhoods, I expect people to continue to cheer on their chosen righteous cause with a fervour that only increases as the body count rises, regardless of side. It’s already insane to behold, even in these early stages.

This civilisation train is headed for the end of the line. People are leaning out the windows taking selfies as we accelerate towards the terminus.

The internet has made us voyeurs of the worst sort. Fearless because we’re untouchable. Loud and outspoken keyboard judges of every little thing that we disagree with, so convinced of our right to be in the right, no matter the actual costs.

It will be our downfall. I now suspect the end of the world will be couched in neo-fascist terms, with clear notice of those parts of the proud ‘revitalised’ or ‘new’ societies who are to be blamed for clinging to any hope of equity, and therefore dooming everyone. (Except those living in climate-controlled enclaves. Which won’t be you.)

War no longer has any winners amongst the people who bleed in them. Now, more than ever, please bear that in mind. Stop these collective, delusional insanities before they create a situation that kills us all.

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Posted by on March 24, 2022 in Daybook


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