Category Archives: Daybook

When All the Peasants Are Dead…

The elites will still want staff to attend to their every need, concierge services to fulfill their desires, and all the amenities and diversions they are used to enjoying.

I wonder if this is why they hoard money so desperately? They know those with the least lucre will be the ones who become the new servants.

Alternatively: maybe they harbour the naive belief that having riches beyond counting will let them fund the science which will miraculously allow them to survive the catastrophes they’ve engendered by their greed?

I suspect, for the majority, it never gets as far as either of those considerations. They accumulate wealth because that is what they do. It’s “only natural”. After all, they do the things we do, like collecting. It’s just that we collect model cars and they collect real ones. (A certain passion for superyachts and farmland seems to be a thing for them, too.)

When a tree is considered to have no value except when it’s felled for lumber, the society that reveres those values has a deep-seated illness.

Our society has been sick for a long time, and those who lead it are either infected, deluded, or cynically taking advantage of it.

The creeping apocalypse they oversee cannot now be stopped – only mitigated.

Does this stream of mildly venomous consciousness have a point? Yes. Let me try and capture it in a few lines, because what’s whirling in my head is too much –

Join a union. Join an organisation. Join a movement. Help a community. Pick a side.

Because those at the top will not stop, and will not hesitate to turn every power they can bring to bear on any who would rein them in.

Fight this malaise.

I’ve spent years writing dystopian tales of bleak futures, and rambling on about how what I see in the world about us matches the early stages of those same futures – the ones I thought safely restricted to the realms of imagination.

Now I’m angry and scared. The majority of the population seem to be sleepwalking into a world where compliance will be the only alternative, and they will never be the ones deciding what should be complied with.

Your freedom and our future are quite literally at stake, and you have less than a decade to save them.

Wake up.

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Posted by on August 30, 2022 in Daybook



Peace Sells… Just Not Enough

The problem with peace is that it’s good for selling posters, banners, household goods, and ranges of fashionable apparel for both fashionistas and alt lifestyles, but that’s about it. There’s too much giving that has to be done to make a world where things are fair enough for everyone to engage in peace.

War, on the other hand, is a tried and tested bestseller: huge margins, immense research budgets, even bigger rolling development programmes (even if the equipment isn’t fit for purpose), and we can diversify into other media with greater ease. Nationalism doesn’t require ethics or deep thinking. Buy the flag, wave the flag, hate any who don’t show tribal loyalty to jingoistic goals handily provided in short, easy to remember (and shout) sentences.

A long time ago, wars solved things. (How much and for how long in each case is open to debate.) Nowadays, it’s arguable that wars are extended field tests, and sales theatre. Sure, you might have your lifestyle destroyed, lose friends and a few relatives, be forced to flee your town with only the clothes on your back and a plastic bag full of nothing really useful, but the people who organised the war are making serious money, and providing huge returns for their shareholders.

Frame it as underdog versus bad people, add some media-friendly trite tales of heroism and defiance, hose down society with a media blitz of nauseatingly imbalanced proportions, and you have a cause that will make money for years to come. Plus, every war yields data that can be used to make the next war better at attracting sustained support from the public.

It’s nothing but a bloodsport. While it remains profitable, greed dictates that nothing be permitted to rein it in.

Climate change is undoubtedly going to make more wars as desperate countries fight for vanishing resources.

Then they’ll fight to survive, for the safest high ground.

Fortunes will be made.

When it becomes clear there is very little viable high ground left, some leader or other will conclude that the use of nuclear weapons is fine, because they are going to die anyway, and the other side cannot be allowed to win. Failing that, their victory has to be made beyond phyrric.

Billions will die.

Until the fires start in their own neighbourhoods, I expect people to continue to cheer on their chosen righteous cause with a fervour that only increases as the body count rises, regardless of side. It’s already insane to behold, even in these early stages.

This civilisation train is headed for the end of the line. People are leaning out the windows taking selfies as we accelerate towards the terminus.

The internet has made us voyeurs of the worst sort. Fearless because we’re untouchable. Loud and outspoken keyboard judges of every little thing that we disagree with, so convinced of our right to be in the right, no matter the actual costs.

It will be our downfall. I now suspect the end of the world will be couched in neo-fascist terms, with clear notice of those parts of the proud ‘revitalised’ or ‘new’ societies who are to be blamed for clinging to any hope of equity, and therefore dooming everyone. (Except those living in climate-controlled enclaves. Which won’t be you.)

War no longer has any winners amongst the people who bleed in them. Now, more than ever, please bear that in mind. Stop these collective, delusional insanities before they create a situation that kills us all.

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Posted by on March 24, 2022 in Daybook


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So, Jae Decided to Build Another Titan

NB: This post will be a bit of a work in progress as I spot details that need to be clarified or receive queries.

Back in early 2019, I spent a while thoroughly enjoying building and storymaking around a Forgeworld Revenant Titan. I even blogged about it –
I enjoyed doing that so much, it gave me lots of project ideas as well as several story threads (which I will follow up on, one day). So, when an opportunity to pick up a battered but complete Phantom Titan came along, I jumped at the chance. I toyed with the idea of doing a Warlock conversion, but as well as being a crappy painter, I can’t scratchbuild well. Conversion and adaptation are my forte. A Warlock conversion required a specialised head that, after a lot of consideration, I had to admit there was nothing I could adapt one from.
Fast forward barely ten days and, by sheer chance, I acquired an original Merlyn Warlock Titan head, which had been made and released for the Armorcast Phantom Titan. Game on, I thought. (So blase… So clueless.)
When the Phantom turned up, I had a moment. You know, a full-on ‘what the f*ck have I gotten myself into?’ thing. I thought the Revenant had prepared me… There is no comparison. The Phantom Titan is ridiculously, laughably, gloriously, unrepentantly huge. And I had the temerity to think I could just casually modify it to take an old titan head that’s bigger than a Revenant Titan’s upper torso?
I took a day to consider. Either concede and sell the lot off, or get my arse in gear and have a go. In the end, I couldn’t resist. I had to try. I also decided to take a lot of photos, documenting the successes and failures. This is the story so far (I haven’t commented on every picture, it being a build process. I will highlight any details that may be of interest/use, though.)


The titan I got is a genuine Forgeworld item, but came with no instructions. I found a couple of pages on the net, and this imgur entry was also a significant help:

And away I went –
The classic Warlock build totes a psychic lance and power fist. While the lance wasn’t too much of a problem, getting a decent fist without hunting down and then mutilating an Armorcast original bothered me until I found a Dreamforge articulated claw.
The claw went well, and I started to get a grip on the base that this monster would require. I’d been intendeding to use a picture frame like for the Revenant base, but the Phantom is just too heavy. In the end, I found a chunk of oak that had been lying around from some abandoned project. That became the base.
My intention to have the titan standing with one foot on the Necron-style pyramid I’d found proved to be a non-starter. I just didn’t like the angles that it would place the feet/legs at without the pyramid being stove in, and I liked it too much to mess it up.
I picked up a couple of packets of HO-gauge railway diorama concrete roadway sections and spent a tedious evening designing, laying out, and then glueing crazy paving down.
I still wanted to have one of the feet raised. A chance eBay purchase of a Necron monolith gave me an idea. That Monolith spent a half-hour being carefully heat gunned into collapse. The footprint space was slowly pressed into the softened mass using the top of a claw hammer.
Having read about the problem people had with putting/keeping the nine-part feet together, I reverted to old school methods and used Araldite Rapid, turning each foot into a solid block after working out the position they needed to be in. I proved the fixing when I dropped one of them from a metre up onto tiles: it bounced and landed otherwise unharmed.
What with the drying times of greenstuff and purplestuff, I found myself able to run several build threads simultaneously, working on details while a major component cured.
Component-wise, I picked up half a dozen eBay bit boxes to provided detail pieces. The smaller soulstones and necron crystals are by Spellcrow, and the purple soulstones are repurposed acrylic craft jewellery.
Structural rods are 4mm brass, fixing rods are 3mm brass. Complex or loaded fixings use threaded 3mm rod for extra grip. All are locked in using Araldite Rapid. Structural joints will usually have a purplestuff liner in addition to rods.
The psychic lance tube is 2mm wall acryclic pipe.
Most of this build was done by eye. However, the last photo here shows what happens when the eye and the hand don’t synchronise. The rod through the pelvis emerged visibly. After a little consideration, I decided that re-drilling would weaken the critical part, so I decided to add an equivalent assembly on the other side rolled up out of greenstuff, so the twin rods would appear as just a part of this ancient titan.
Unbeknownst to me, the resin tiles I’d got to act as stacked spacers for the shoulders actually varied in thickness. This little detail became glaringly obvious when I first tried to align the holofin arrays. After a lot of swearing, I tore the duff spacers off, fetched a ruler, and spent a thrilling while sorting and measuring resin tiles. Then I carefully built new spacers.
Grinding down the bases of the holofins as the curvature no longer fitted the neck armour, I started off using thin greenstuff to create the side panels.
Which turned out to be a non-starter. The slightest knock and the little panels fell off! So I went back to old school methods again, using Araldite Rapid and layered paper.
I thought about what I was trying to portray and eventually decided that having everything lining up perfectly on the torso and shoulder joints didn’t reflect a gigantic titan on the move. So I let the pieces settle as they would, only re-doing if the piece drifted a long way past acceptable variance.
The Warlock Titan is even more of a top heavy beast than the Phantom. Given the needs of manoeuvrability, I decided it could do with an extra boost to provide dynamic balancing.
So I repurposed the jump jet pod from a Revenant, along with the ventral intakes.

And that’s where I paused the build, as the next phase requires taking the whole thing apart into major sections and detailing every piece (smaller soulstones on the powerfist, smoothing surplus epoxy, etc). The titan projects are to give me a couple of weeks off from writing. So far, this Warlock has taken me around four months.

Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it’s meant to be a distraction, not a cause of it’s own. My non-writing hobbies are just that: things I do to stop myself writing. (I could write all the time, and the quality would gradually decline – even the ridiculously prolific storymaking engine in my head needs time to spin back up.)

On top of that, the consequences of working resin in a confined environment are not beneficial for me. So this titan build will resume in Summer 2021 when I can work in the kitchen with the back door open.

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Posted by on November 16, 2020 in Daybook


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Until Our Fires Consume Us

Kintsugi is an art form whereby broken pottery is restored in a way that emphasises the repaired damage with a gold, silver or platinum finish applied to the sap adhesive used to fix and fill the cracks. The resulting piece is often considered to have been made more beautiful by this ancient art.

I wonder if there’s enough precious metal and resin in existence to repair the broken society revealed by SARS-CoV-2. (Then again, I had thought it beyond any hope of beautification, but seeing communities working together within themselves, rediscovering barter and communal support amongst many other things, forced me to reconsider that aspect.)

The monumental pause applied to the frantic pace of modern living has brought many to a crisis of truth – or denial. I have friends who have rediscovered baking, arts, crafts, and gardening. Several have realised improvements in their mental health just by having to slow down.

Others are becoming desperate as the hectic world that allowed them to avoid confronting the flaws in their lives has been placed on hold. This hiatus highlights where they settled for what they could get or made the easy choice, instead of undertaking the difficult journey to discover what they needed, then setting out to find that. In these suddenly quiet days, too many are coming to understand that ‘happy’ and ‘content’ are – sadly – not necessarily to be found at home.

Adding insult to injury, the barrage of dire headlines and the death-a-minute fascination of the media has frequently undone any good that might have been realised. Competing opinions, raw controversy, manufactured goads: it’s difficult to derive actual truths from the plethora of information that threatens to overwhelm everything we cherish, uncaring of whether it be truth or comforting delusion.

People I thought to be unshakable have been driven to take timeouts from social media or even media intake in general. People I thought decent have revealed how shallow they really are. I know of friends attacked as they try to do their job because of conspiracy theories spread by the ignorant and malicious on behalf of fanatical originators (with and without ulterior agenda).

Indeed, ‘fanaticism’ has become more prevalent. Desperate people, suddenly bereft of comfort, latching on to anything that gives a glimmer of hope – frequently being duped by the cheap tactic of being offered someone or something to blame for the lifestyle-swallowing instability that many have never encountered before. (The poorer amongst our societies have lived with facets of this gross instability for a long while. In this time of shortage and propaganda, even their resilience is being tested by the venal flailings of those possessed of wealth but mean of soul.)

Many years ago, I read an article that left a five-word truism with me: Nazism needs something to hate. A simple sentence that contains an observation that has haunted me ever since.

In times of trouble, having things to hate allows the ravages of fear to be alleviated by giving them a quantifiable manifestation. It makes people feel better having something to blame, and, by derivation, something to fight against, with the concomitant feeling that their fighting can make the scary thing go away.

Repressive regimes thrive on people’s need for purpose, for comfort. Once power is attained, they transition from being saviour to being a(nother) source of fear, while appearing to restore and maintain the status quo the people fought for (with a few limitations to ensure everybody’s safety and security, of course).

That need for comfort, for stability, for unchanging times of freedom from fears both small and large is graven into the inmates of this increasingly fractured civilisation like some self-repressive limiter. As long as we perceive ourselves as ‘alright’, or, at the least, are not forced to see/confront the crimes committed to maintain our idylls, we will tolerate all manner of charlatans who purport to have our best interests at heart. We will even defend those same fools with a fervour that goes beyond cognitive dissonance into outright mass delusion. When the liars have supportive media outlets, even our perceptions of what is ‘alright’ and what is unacceptable can be changed. The only variable is how long it takes.

I am, to some degree, a nihilist. I am also a believer in the incongruous beauty humans can manifest, even in the face of overwhelming horror. Even so, and striving for optimism, the best I can pick from recent events is this:

  For all our advances, we are still brutes huddled in tribal groups about the comforting fires of the subjective truths each tribe holds sacred. We are gazing out at the night beyond the fires – filled with all that we consider unknown, opposed, unknowable, or evil. We do so with varying degrees of abject terror, visible or otherwise, whether we admit to it or not, regardless of if we acknowledge or conceal it. We might even be able to see other fires, out there in the night, but only a few ever try to reach them. The stories they bring back we treat with suspicion, for who can trust someone who has willingly left our sacred fire?

  To keep the fires burning, we throw books into them. Books by those not of our tribe. Books that challenge our sacred views. Books we have been told are not to be read. Those books might contain the information we need, if we but read them; the methods to take our fires and turn them into torches to light our way to a better future.

  We will remain huddled about our fires until we admit that while others might hold views that differ from ours, we can still peacefully work with them to improve the lot of all.

Here, with more of less to go round and luxuries – like leisure time – only for the few, is where I expect we will stay until this civilisation withers and dies. The efforts of those who seek to unite will be outweighed by the fear of those who cling to comfort (except for a brief ineffective spasm, fuelled by desperation, when the end of us becomes too obvious to ignore – or offset).

What emerges from the true ‘dark age’ that approaches will hopefully, eventually, make art.

I think it is unlikely to be human as we reckon it.

And that is a good thing.

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Posted by on June 10, 2020 in Daybook


“How’re things going in England?”

Turning quietly fascist while the majority applaud before rushing to Macdonalds and IKEA.

Being allowed out to purchase lets them think they’re free. The comforting rush of acquisition allows them to ignore the broken, stratified society they refuse to admit is the source of the emptiness that amplifies their increasingly desperate cravings.

Because, as any addict knows, to admit to the problem is to acknowledge the delusions and crimes you have been complicit in. Which is something even cognizant addicts struggle to do.

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Posted by on June 2, 2020 in Daybook


So, Jae Decided to Build an Eldar Titan

I’ve been a roleplayer and gamer for many years, pretty much exclusively in the real world as the motion sickness I have prevents me playing most computer games (good thing too, otherwise I’d never have become a writer – or done much else).

Games Workshop and the Warhammer phenomenon have been at the fringe of my awareness for decades. Of all the things they’ve produced, the Harlequins of Warhammer 40,000 are the only things that really caught my imagination. I even had a set of the original ones, but sold it untouched as my painting skills at the time, while competent, weren’t up to the task of doing them justice. Plus, you needed a lot of money to build a Harlequin army.

Last year, Games Workshop announced Kill Team, a skirmish-level standalone game set in the Warhammer 40k universe. This, I thought, would be an ideal time to get half a dozen Harlequins and have some fun. Then I saw the prices and decided otherwise.

At near the end of last year, a friend gave me a Harlequin troupe. A simple gift, but much appreciated. Scaring up a second-hand Kill team manual didn’t take long, but I found my tendencies to write stories fired by my new Harlequin troupe. Within days, I had a background for them and some daft ideas. As things tend to do when they are meant to be, several things fell into place and I wound up with a part built, part rebuilt, largely unfinished, and long abandoned Forgeworld Revenant Titan. As I laid out the bits, I realised I’d stepped off the deep end as far as my model making skills were concerned. On top of that, the thing is huge.

Given this was to be a Harlequin titan, I had some offbeat ideas for how it should be armed. Upon seeing the parts, I suddenly came up with the idea of adding a webway gate to the build. After some research, I decided a pulsar could remain, but needed power sword to allow closer range work. A fire prism would replace the other pulsar. After all, I reasoned, if I’m going to be out of my depth and making it up as I go along, I might as well try to get it all in.

The concept being that the troupe, named the Masque of Isha’s Grace, had been one of those dedicated to supplementing the defences around the Black Library. Every member had heard the voice of the lost Eldar goddess Isha, calling them from the webway. To what end remains unclear. So, they do what the battle dancers do – defend the galaxy from the encroachment of Chaos. With the change in Cegorach’s approach, and guided by a whisper from she whom they refer to as the Mother of Tears, they have stepped into the real to wage war alongside any who would lay the banners of Chaos down.

Taking some fine hints as to body dynamics and where to start from the tutorial on Oink’s Overambitious Terrain Projects blog, and having the legs already constructed, I chose to work with what I’d been given. All the advice I saw demanded that I start with the legs, but, before that, I needed to have a good idea of the final pose I wanted. That took a while. When a set of Tiny Worlds resin rock outcrops arrived, it came together quite quickly.

As the Titan is to be displayed with the rest of the Masque, the round base was discarded and a 300mm square picture frame acquired, to give base and edging, followed by a 310mm square heavy black resin cutting board to be the base for the finished display.

What followed was somewhere around fifty hours work. There are 78 pictures and as WordPress will have a fit if I try to include the lot, I’ve placed them over on my image blog, Slow Missiles. Photos: 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-78

I hope my amateur efforts are of interest, and possibly save someone else trouble.

The Masque is away being painted and the Titan will be joining them soon. Which is why the build of the Titan is lacking pauldrons, thigh guards and main manouvre jet units, as fitting them would make proper paintwork impossible.

I will put up a new post with the complete Masque of Isha’s Grace, including credits and info, when they’re finished and back.

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Posted by on March 13, 2019 in Daybook


Thee Too?

I’ve seen the MeToo flashes appearing and, to be honest, I’m astonished there aren’t more. But, that’s a telling thing. Even amidst this wave of confrontation, women are keeping quiet. Be it from privacy concerns, embarrassment, past trauma or fear of backlash, the participants are, I suspect, vastly outnumbered by the silent ones.

In a world where men have had a damn rude time for far too long, I’m expecting the trivialisation and normalisation to get in gear soon. Make no mistake, many men hide deep-seated beliefs about male superiority. It’s rather inevitable, as it’s what we’ve been presented with at every level from birth to now – unless we’ve had a wake-up call.

Now, let’s be clear. I’ve been part of the problem and made my excuses to myself over some egregious obsessive behaviour. (Yes, I’ve ‘come round’, apologised, and, quite rightly, lost friends.) This society is just starting to get over its infatuation with the creepy behaviours of rejected blokes trying to ‘prove’ their love. It can’t happen too soon. Maybe this will finally make it socially acceptable for that bloke’s real friends to slap him down and give him the telling off he so badly needs.

Sexual harassment is a subjective thing. Without common ground for behaviour norms, what can be banter on one side can be brutal on another. Those norms can come from within families, and many would argue they should. I would posit that basic manners and etiquette should also be taught at school. Nothing fancy, just a well-rounded balance to any malign influences that may be occurring in a child’s out-of-school environment.

Self-worth. Confidence. The most astonishing people I know of all sexes (don’t start, that’s a separate conversation) are those who know what they are, to a greater or lesser extent. They doubt themselves, they evidence consideration for others (if not compassion), they know that their selves, body and mind, are theirs and theirs alone, and their word is law regarding what you may and may not do with or to them on any level.

Respect every individual as just that. Pass no comment to another that you wouldn’t tolerate being given by a stranger to you or your loved ones. Male or female, makes no difference. This is the twenty-first century. Sexism is a hate crime that should be fought with the same rigour as all other forms of fanaticism.

You have nothing to prove to anyone except yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Your body, faith, erotica and soul are inviolate and anyone who would take advantage should stop at the word ‘no’. If they don’t and there’s no-one about to intervene – which people should do! Stop treating anything uncomfortable as someone else’s problem. Step up. Step in. – then you should be absolutely sure that there will be recourse to justice and severe punishment to be meted out.

I suspect the changes needed to achieve a balance will be slow: generational more than anything. I also suspect there’s more grim reveals to come. MeToo is long overdue. Here’s hoping it effects changes where it needs to.

Finally, I think Helen Mirren’s advice should be taught to girls early and often: “At 70 years old, if I could give my younger self one piece of advice, it would be to use the words ‘fuck off’ much more frequently.





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Posted by on October 17, 2017 in Daybook


The Misrule of Law

Amazon has just been fined 250 million Euros (plus interest) for tax dodging within the EU between 2006-2014.

They’ll probably pay it out of petty cash.

Laws require penalties for contravening them. If the punishment is harmless to the criminal, how can a law be enforced?

A long time ago, I heard a joke by a comedian named Emo Philips: “When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realised, the Lord doesn’t work that way. So I just stole one and asked Him to forgive me.

It’s a neat example of a very old adage: “‘Tis easier to seek forgiveness than to seek permission.

But when that very sentiment has become the de facto operating mode of everyone from beggars to prime ministers, then the rule of law has separated from justice. When you can blame a deity/society/minority for failings of honesty, compassion, and government, it becomes easy to accept that everything going wrong is someone else’s responsibility.

Which is a lie.

Bad things happen because good people do nothing to stop them. Yes, I accept that in a few cases, the bad thing would happen anyway. But, in a majority of cases, the bad thing happened slowly, you saw it coming, you ignored the warnings, you might even have ridiculed those who tried to warn you, and – most damning – you didn’t really care as long as the bad thing didn’t affect you. You clicked to put your name next to a disapproving emoticon and signed a couple of online petitions, but, deep down, you know you actually did nothing, and it doesn’t bother you. Everyone else does the same, after all.

Hiding in the herd. We’ve all done it at some point in our lives. None of us are blameless. Too busy, too distracted, too important.

Too late.

You’re living in the world made by your indifference. I hope you like it, because – to my view – the change that’s coming is going to ruin this cosy little existence and you only have yourselves to blame.

Yourselves. To. Blame.

A quote from Riddick says it better than I can: “Leave God out of this. He wants no part of what happens next.


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Posted by on October 4, 2017 in Daybook


Let Angel’s Wings Be Still

As she approaches those gates.
An elderly woman –
With a beatific smile,
Butterflies on her shoulders,
Rainbows in her hair,
Flowers blooming in her wake –
And dragons at her back.

Fare thee well, mother.
May your God be as worthy
As you always believed.

Turn away, my brothers –
Your vigil is done.

At peace, at last.

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Posted by on July 19, 2017 in Daybook


Surreal in the Rain

While I’m usually stoic about being caught in the rain, poor timing and a phenomenal cloudburst drove me into a shop doorway on the way home late last night.

Watching a deserted pedestrian precinct, rain hammering down, I was surprised to be joined by a fox (who was substantially less bedraggled than myself, the suave so-and-so). As we stood on opposite sides of the alcove, backs to the doors, we alternated our gazes between each other and the rain.

Standing there, the world about us silent but for the torrent of descending water, we were both caught unawares by a seagull walking past, muttering those little conversational squawks they utter when solving a problem. Fox and I watched in mystification as the bird trotted away down the precinct, turned a corner and disappeared from view, still nattering.

Within minutes, the rain had eased to a mere downpour. Fox and I set off to complete our respective journeys.

Surreal times, kids. Surreal times. You all keep well.

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Posted by on June 9, 2017 in Daybook